CareHive Nannies

Trusted Care for Special Kids

Account Sign-Ups for parents and RBTs are coming soon!

Why Choose CareHive?

CareHive Nannies are all human verified RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) or higher certified caregivers who know how to care for your special needs child, because that’s what they are trained specifically to do.

RBT’s can be found working with kids diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and other developmental delays.

CareHive Nannies can not engage in direct therapy. Rather, they are highly trained caregivers who know just how to navigate the challenges your little one needs while you have a few hours of time for whatever you need.

How It Works

Step 1: Create Account Profile

Step 2: Match with a verified RBT Nanny

Step 3: Book & Pay Securely

Step 4: Relax!